When I arrived in Beijing it was a complete nightmare. I had no idea whether or not I need to pick up my bags and check them over again before I headed to my connecting flight. After staring around helplessly I figured I would just go to my next gate. I had to wait in line at security all over again and as soon as I got up to the airport official checking plane tickets he started speaking to me in Chinese. I obviously stood there with a completely blank face. He found someone that could speak English and they told me that the flight had been cancelled, great.
I went to the ticketing area and they were able to get me on the next flight to Chengdu. They also told me that I needed to go and retrieve my bags from the baggage claim area. When I walked to go and get my bags I was very nervous that I would not be able to find them. Thankfully, my two bags and golf bag (Yeah, I brought my golf clubs) were neatly stacked in the middle of the area. I grabbed my bags and headed back to the ticketing area to get my tickets. Then the "fun" started.
I got my ticket, went through security, and had about 45 minutes before my flight left Beijing. I was in a rush to say the least. I get to my first gate and there was absolutely no one there except for the two ladies checking tickets. I give them my ticket and they tell me that my flight's gate has been changed... to the other side of the airport... I see one other man who had just been through the same thing and he was running, so I ran. It was unbelievably hot in the airport and I was absolutely drenched in sweat as i was running to the next gate. After about 15 minutes of running/speed walking I finally get to the new gate only to find out that the gate had been changed once again. At this point I wasn't sure if I was even going to make it to Chengdu. I then hurried to my next gate that was located between the two gates, which was still pretty far. I finally get to the gate and caught the very last bus that takes you out to the airplane. I am now officially the very last white person, all I can see are Chinese people. I thought to myself, "well, here we go." We get out to the plane and I step out of the bus and it was even hotter outside than it was in the airport. I can't wait to get on the plane. I find my seat, stuff everything I have in the overhead compartment, sit down, and sleep. Next stop, Chengdu.
When I landed in Chengdu I was under the impression I would be meeting up with the rest of the teachers that came through the Colorado China Council. That was not the case. I was a little freaked out, but thankfully I was able to call my parents and Alice Renouf (director of the CCC) and it turns out that I had shown up a day early...
It was all resolved when we found out that Tim Lewis hadn't even landed yet and that we would meet up as soon as he did. Everything was okay. I just had about 10 hours to hangout in the Chengdu airport by myself with all of my luggage...
I watched some movies and somehow slept more. When I awoke from my slumber I was pretty hungry and was ready for my first meal in China, McDonalds. I had a classic American McDonalds breakfast, delicious.
Tim finally arrived and he was easy to find. We were probably the only two white people in the airport. We met up with his fiancee YiFan and headed towards Pengshan. On the drive, I couldn't keep my eyes away from the window. That place is absolutely insane. Never have I seen so much construction in my life. Brand new sky scraper apartment buildings popping out of the ground everywhere I look. I also saw the most amazing building ever, The New Century Global Center. This impressive building is currently the largest in the world.
Check it out for yourself:
And this is what I saw....

It really was the most impressive building I have ever seen. Can't wait to actually go in it. More pictures of this place to come later.
We continued to head to Pengshan and I was getting more and more excited. Another post will be up soon. Have to go now.
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